A collection of letters to editors, published articles, and online comments.
Further Reading Available “Letters to Editors 1983-2018”Deseret News Letter: Rational Humans Should Work Toward a Sustainable Population
Deseret News Letter: A Better Way
Letter urging Univ. of Utah to reconsider accepting Koch $$ for a Quantitative Economics Institute.
A Twitter Story
Mr. Trump – about 60 Days to President, op-ed Washington Post (unpublished)
Deseret News Letter: Response to Natalie Gochnour’s Growth Nightmare
Letter in response to Salt Lake Valley growth mania.
Seething with Anger: The Richfield Reaper Letters To The Editor
Letter to Utah rural paper serving coal mining region arguing state should be providing services to those impacted by the diminishment and demise of coal.
Remarks on Behalf of Utah’s Coal Miners and Planet Earth, at HEAL Utah Press Conference for Governor’s Energy Development Summit
Remarks at a Press Conference regarding coal leasing in Utah.
Spoken Comments at Coal Leasing Session by Dept of the Interior, BLM in Salt Lake City, UT
Written testimony to Bureau of Land Management (BLM) public input session on coal leasing in Utah.
Essay 9-2014 Activism, Revelation, Change
Investigative Journalism, Curiosity, Leonardo da Vinci, and Mark Twain
Presentation to high school journalism class on investigative and critical reporting.
Letters and Media Comments, Spring and Summer 2014
Leonardo da Vinci – The Man, The History, The Lessons
Presentation at The Leonardo on da Vinci.
11-2012 District 2 Congress Run Forms Media
Run for US House, Utah District 2: Forms, media, documents, even sample ballots.