Letters to Editors 1983-2018
A collection of letters to editors, published articles, and online comments.
Further Reading Available “Letters to Editors 1983-2018”Deseret News Letter: Beware the Oil Salesmen
Beware Vernal Oil Salesmen
Deseret News Letter: Rational Humans Should Work Toward a Sustainable Population
Deseret News Letter: A Better Way
Letter urging Univ. of Utah to reconsider accepting Koch $$ for a Quantitative Economics Institute.
A Twitter Story
Deseret News Letter: Response to Natalie Gochnour’s Growth Nightmare
Letter in response to Salt Lake Valley growth mania.
Seething with Anger: The Richfield Reaper Letters To The Editor
Letter to Utah rural paper serving coal mining region arguing state should be providing services to those impacted by the diminishment and demise of coal.
Remarks on Behalf of Utah’s Coal Miners and Planet Earth, at HEAL Utah Press Conference for Governor’s Energy Development Summit
Remarks at a Press Conference regarding coal leasing in Utah.
State Change: A Chemical Fantasy
statechange.us is the book’s website
Essay 9-2014 Activism, Revelation, Change
Letters and Media Comments, Spring and Summer 2014
The Leonardo, the Utah Science Center and Leonardo on Wheels: a brief early history 1986 to 2011
A history of the genesis, development, and implementation of The Leonardo, up to 2011.
The Run: An Experiment in Democracy
Report on Andrade’s candidacy and run for US Congress, Utah District 2, 2012.
The Call: Towards Personal Independence and Responsibility
Pamphlet dealing with personal philosophy, responsibility, and civic duty, targeted to teens and youth.
11-2012 District 2 Congress Run Forms Media
Run for US House, Utah District 2: Forms, media, documents, even sample ballots.
Visual Values Project 2011, Political Candidates’ Values Matter
A summary of the Visual Values Project in 2011, providing a visual, graphical means to assess and evaluate the values of individuals, especially political candidates, using a multi-factorial approach and Rose Plots. Each value is estimated on a 1–9 scale, resulting in a 12-value pattern.
Time – Perspectives, Patience, Action talk at Kanab Earthfest 5-2011 Andrade
Erma’s Story
Erma Andrade died in Feb. 2016, just short of her 95th birthday. This is her ‘Story’ as of her 89th year. She wrote it, my son, Aaron, and I edited it, and Aaron did the design, layout, and printing.
Science without Walls: Science in YOUR World
A 40 chapter, 40 half-hour videos general, integrated science course.
Also find the Science Without Walls Videos on YouTube.
Further Reading Available “Science without Walls: Science in YOUR World”Andrade book reviews 1976-1999
Science without walls – science in your world UU telecourse textbook
Textbook for Science without Walls – Science in YOUR World telecourse.
Also find the Science Without Walls Videos on YouTube.
Health Care Book U Utah Press Andrade ed., flyer announcement order form summary reviews quotations
Future of Health Care – via Medical Biological Engineering AIMBE book 1994
American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) held its second annual conference in the NAS Building, Washington D.C., March, 1993. The proceedings were recorded and edited by Andrade, the Program Chair, and published by U Utah Press in 1994, 244 pp.
Science by Seduction – Communicating with the (Initially) Disinterested book very rough draft
1989 Dramatic Science Writing UU NSF SSTS Award Jon Franklin OSU unfunded-compressed.pdf
Coagulation-Resistant Surfaces and a Mechanistic Model of Adsorption on Polymer Surfaces – A Dissertation Presented to The Faculty of the College of Engineering, University of Denver
Andrade’s PhD dissertation, U of Denver, 1969