President of University Application 1987-89
Andrade briefly fantasied becoming a University President and applied for several national positions.
Dean Activities 1983-87 and Resignation 1987
Andrade served as Dean of Engineering, U Utah, from Summer 1983 thru Fall, 1987. He resigned in Spring 1987, feeling that a new face and voice would better assist the College in its new goals and objectives.
Engineering Update U Utah College newsletter 1984-87
U Utah College of Engineering began a newsletter for alumni, faculty, students, sponsors in 1984.
Letter to David Gardner UC Davis Chancellor position 2-23-1987 no response
Agenda Project University President Quotations, Other Leaders
Collected quotations from University Presidents and related leaders.
Industrial Affiliates brochure College of Engineering U Utah 1984-5
The UU College of Engineering established its first Industrial Affiliates program starting in 1984-85.
Engineering Research Directory 1984-86 U of Utah
The U Utah College of Engineering, with Andrade as its new Dean, published its first Faculty Research Directory in 1984.
David P Gardner Chair A Nation At Risk Report, 1983
Seeking Dean of College of Engineering appointment 1983
Andrade actively sought appointment as Dean of Engineering in 1983. He was appointed Dean Spring, 1983 by VP Cedric Davern and then President David Gardner.
Application – SJSU Dean of the School of Engineering
Applying to the Engineering School Deanship at San José State University