Wikipedia Style Brief Bio
Erma’s Story
Erma Andrade died in Feb. 2016, just short of her 95th birthday. This is her ‘Story’ as of her 89th year. She wrote it, my son, Aaron, and I edited it, and Aaron did the design, layout, and printing.
WUHS 50th year reunion 1959 to 2009 yearbook
Materials News SJSU alumni profile Spring 1996
Research Group Prague letter Mt. Olympus hike Protein Atlas project
SJSU alumni bio 8-1991 Munir history
My 1991 Bio requested by SJSU Dean of Engineering. Note reference to the wonderful Zuhair Munir, who opened my eyes and interests to Materials Science and Engineering.
Andrade 1968-1972 First Author Plunkett Bonomo Van Wagenen Gough Kolff Hill Kopp Chen Kirkham Volder
Dissertation Defense documents 1969 Vroman Predecki
Leo Vroman’s remarkable little book Blood, 1967, inspired much of my career. We were fortunate to have him as a consultant on the NHLBI contract at the U Denver. He suggested immobilized albumin as a likely coagulation-resistant surface.
Metallography Lab U Denver Olsen Krenzer 1968?
A lab I TA’ed with Dennis Olsen.
Jobs Employment Resume Crimmins History Addresses to 1968
Coagulation-Resistant Coatings by Enzyme Inhibition Contract Report Predecki 1967
My first grant was written and funded as a graduate student at the U of Denver. This Contractor’s Report was authored with my PhD Supervisor, Dr. Paul Predecki.
Tower List 1965 excerpts
The second (1965) completely revised Tower List written , edited, published by the SJSU Honor Society, Tau Delta Phi, built on the pioneering initial 1964 version
Tower List press critiques 1965 Tau Delta Phi SJSU
The Tower List was one of the first individual faculty evaluations by students. It generated substantial criticism and accolades.
Oppenheimer Snow Andrade Bogosian Humanities San Jose State May 1965
Bogosian’s Philosophy of Personal Values class was a real eye- and brain-opener for me in Spring, 1965.
SJSC Spring 1965 Bogosian Joe essays Snow Oppenheimer Reality U Denver Pigeon Droppings
SJSC Writings 1964-65 letters US Steel coop Engineer report Essays Career Book ideas Personal philosophy
Grades Transcript Dismissal Drop Out! UC Berkeley SJSC U Denver 1959-1968
Form letter on Tower List sent in response to information inquiries, probably early 1965
Publication of the Tower List generated public and college-university interest nation-wide. This mimeographed form letter aided in the response to those inquiries.
Tower List 1964 SJSU
Tower List 1964 complete; SJSU Tau Delta Phi
Tower List debate SJSU Faculty Magazine The Tower Fall, 1964
The Tower SJSU Faculty Magazine debate on the Tower List Fall, 1964
Mat Sci 145 Lab SJSU Spring 1964 Olsen Beckley Hovey Prof Larsen-Badse
This lab course and group was incredibly valuable. Dennis Olsen became a life-long good friend. Neil Beckley was an interesting roommate, together with Tom Hogan and Igor Skaredoff.
Munir Zuhair Mat Sci 25 Fall 1962 Lecture Lab SJSU
These are the Notes from my first Materials Science course, taught by Zuhar Munir. It opened me up to a whole new dimension. I immediately changed majors from EE to Mat. Sci. Thanks, Zuhar.
WUHS graduation diploma certificate 6-14-1959 high school
High School Writing Magazine The Inkling 1958 1959 WUHS
Gamma Irradiation Magnets Chemistry Armstrong Science Fair report excerpts letters 1959 Frazer Physics
High school science fair project – Frazer’s Physics class, Armstrong’s Advanced Chem class, 1995
Student Body President Analysis Leadership Class 1959
Student Body President in Senior Year – ‘Experience’, ‘Advice’ Paper
Hamlet Shakespeare Madness Sanity 1959
Chemistry science fair project magnetism radiation Co60 domains 5-1959 oscilloscope kymograph
1959 High School Science Fair Project
WUHS Washington Union High School Graduation program 1959
Renaissance of American People WWII FDR US History 1958
US History paper – a Democrat from the beginning!
pioneers of aviation first few pp
Sophomore English paper – always had a fascination with flight and airplanes.
Journalism photography newspaper 1957 selected parts
High School Journalism paper. I almost majored later in Journalism-English. Photography was my major hobby.
philately stamp collecting 1956
I was an avid stamp collector in the pre-college years.
Ken Brown Victor Harlow The Cynic self-published about 1954 WUHS?
Ken Brown was a high school soulmate, together with Igor Skaredoff, with interests in writing and philosophy.
Unfortunately we did not stay in touch after high school. Igor and I continue to be in touch.
Ken and his friend self-published this little book. I include it here to be sure it is included somewhere!