Project 2061 AAAS CISE Bioluminescence concepts themes poster graphic science in the dark
Leo Award to Nadkarni talk by Joe 4-2022
STEM Works Biotechnology brochure handout StemWorks WIRED TheLeonardo Molecules Cells Photosynthesis Respiration CO2 -compressed
STEMWorks Energy Workshop TheLeonardo Photosynthesis Respiration Electricity Entropy Yin-Yang
Leonardo da Vinci Man History Lessons Andrade talk at TheLeonardo 3-20-2019
Gravity Bridge da Vinci model L3 Leonardo3 LOW
StemWorks Biotechnology poster Leonardo career photosynthesis respiration O2 CO2 STEM
Utah Science Center Authority USCA union pacific depot Gateway FFKR Kingston clippings media notes 1990-1997
courses syllabi ads – not complete
Letters to Editors 1983-2018
A collection of letters to editors, published articles, and online comments.
Further Reading Available “Letters to Editors 1983-2018”Curriculum Vita, Papers, Students
Wikipedia Style Brief Bio
Deseret News Letter: Beware the Oil Salesmen
Beware Vernal Oil Salesmen
Twitter, Butterflies, Molecules: Political Action USU 11-2017 IBE 11-10-2017
An invited talk to Biological Engineers urging their involvement in the critical education and awareness of the public and the media.
Deseret News Letter: Rational Humans Should Work Toward a Sustainable Population
Deseret News Letter: A Better Way
Letter urging Univ. of Utah to reconsider accepting Koch $$ for a Quantitative Economics Institute.
A Twitter Story
Reality, Fiction, Truth, and Twitter Activism Andrade IBE 4-2017
Plenary invited talk at Institute for Biological Engineering national meeting urging all attendees to get involved in public and media education and in the political process.
Empowering Reality, Rationality, Creativity, Empathy IBE National Meeting Presentation 4-2017
Mr. Trump – about 60 Days to President, op-ed Washington Post (unpublished)
Deseret News Letter: Response to Natalie Gochnour’s Growth Nightmare
Letter in response to Salt Lake Valley growth mania.
Seething with Anger: The Richfield Reaper Letters To The Editor
Letter to Utah rural paper serving coal mining region arguing state should be providing services to those impacted by the diminishment and demise of coal.
Remarks on Behalf of Utah’s Coal Miners and Planet Earth, at HEAL Utah Press Conference for Governor’s Energy Development Summit
Remarks at a Press Conference regarding coal leasing in Utah.
Spoken Comments at Coal Leasing Session by Dept of the Interior, BLM in Salt Lake City, UT
Written testimony to Bureau of Land Management (BLM) public input session on coal leasing in Utah.
State Change: A Chemical Fantasy is the book’s website
Essay 9-2014 Activism, Revelation, Change
Utah Legislature Environmental Awareness Education Project 104 Legislators 2014 Undergrad Interns-compressed
Investigative Journalism, Curiosity, Leonardo da Vinci, and Mark Twain
Presentation to high school journalism class on investigative and critical reporting.
Letters and Media Comments, Spring and Summer 2014
Project 104 Final Questions and Column Headings
Leonardo da Vinci – The Man, The History, The Lessons
Presentation at The Leonardo on da Vinci.
The Leonardo, the Utah Science Center and Leonardo on Wheels: a brief early history 1986 to 2011
A history of the genesis, development, and implementation of The Leonardo, up to 2011.
Assumptions, Ideologies, Realities: Action from 1776 to today
Talk to an environmental economics class taught by Prof. Hans Ehrbar
The Run: An Experiment in Democracy
Report on Andrade’s candidacy and run for US Congress, Utah District 2, 2012.
The Call: Towards Personal Independence and Responsibility
Pamphlet dealing with personal philosophy, responsibility, and civic duty, targeted to teens and youth.
11-2012 District 2 Congress Run Forms Media
Run for US House, Utah District 2: Forms, media, documents, even sample ballots.
Welcome, Leonardo da Vinci Final Script returns ‘resurrection’ 10-12-2012
Workshop Introducing Leonardo 9-26-2012 The Leonardo
BioE 1510 Spring 2012 Final exam
BIOE 1510 Course Manual Syllabus Spring, 2012 science without walls
Visual Values Project 2011, Political Candidates’ Values Matter
A summary of the Visual Values Project in 2011, providing a visual, graphical means to assess and evaluate the values of individuals, especially political candidates, using a multi-factorial approach and Rose Plots. Each value is estimated on a 1–9 scale, resulting in a 12-value pattern.
Values Worksheets Rose Plots 2012
Worksheets, Instructions for Visual Values Project estimates and plots.
Time – Perspectives, Patience, Action talk at Kanab Earthfest 5-2011 Andrade
Andrade 2001-2010 First Author Bartholomeusz Davies Yang Janatova Kim Anderson Christensen NAE BME Posters Exhibits
Andrade 1996-2000 First Author Alabama Wang Sawan Scheer Stewart Triolo Glass Brash Hlady Feng Tingey Van Wagenen Min Kim Eu
Andrade 1990-1995 First Author Hlady Wei Golander Herron Christensen Kopecek Vroman Sezai Jeon Stroup Lea Ho Tobler Lisonbee Min Scheer
Andrade 1986-1989 First Author Hlady Chiellini Nagaoka Cooper Okano Kim Herron Horsely Lin Valdes Yen Kopecek Kopeckova Baquey Wei Feng Malmo Christensen
Andrade 1980-1985 First Author Coleman Gregonis Van Wagenen Salzman Didisheim Hanson Mason Merrill Smith Mittal Bucherl Hlady Hall Newby Lin
A first author 2004-2009 Al-Sheikh Hardman Millington Bartholomeusz
B first author 1984-2005 Bader Bilginsoy Blatz Brazzle Brostrom Brynda Hlady Gregonis Van Wagenen Davies Coleman
Bartholomeusz first author 2000-2006 Davies Boutte Yang Frazier ChemChip Xurography Fluidics
C First Author 1976-1995 Atwood Boehm Chang Chen Choi Christensen Chuang Coleman Crandall Dong Gregonis Herron Ives Janatova Jhon Kessler King Lawson Lin Temple Van Wagenen Wang Yoshida
D-E First Author Davies Dong Eu Min Van Wagenen Corry DelPriore Dryden Lee Park Coleman Abernathy Bartholomeusz Doyle King Dunn DeVries Wang Elliott 1973-2003
Feng first author 1988-2002 Hu Davies Horbett Carbon STM Fibrinogen Luciferase Albumin
G first author 1973-1992 Golander Gough Gregonis Caldwell Hlady Lin Lim Claesson Stenius Jozefowicz Muller Zhou Hsu Buerger Smith Van Wagenen Coleman
H First Author 1975-2003 Hall Hammer Hansen Harren Hattori Ho Hogt Horsely Hsiung Hu Huefner Hunter Hupfer Hlady Hibbs Caldwell Herron Dryden Feng Ringsdorf
Hlady first author 1986-1995 Reinecke Golander Rickel Lin Yeh Tingey Ho Feng Britt
Ives Iwamoto first author 1981-1989 Newby Herron Dryden Reichert Lin Hlady Reinecke Winterton Stoker Suci Dryden King Van Wagenen Mosher
J-K first author 1970-1995 Janatova Jonkman Kessler King Klinkman Konak Kopeckova Krinick Crandall
Jeon Jhon first author 1973-2004 deGennes Yang Ma Hattori Gregonis Lee Kim
Lea Lee first author 1974-1995 Pungor Hlady Herron Voss Jhon Shim Kopecek Kopeckova
Lin first author 1986-1991 Kopeckova Zhang Kopecek Herron Yen Brizgys Drake Hansma Lea Chang Christensen
L first author 1970-2000 Lindsay Mason Lowe Luo Lyman Klein Brash Caldwell Kim Hakim
M-N First Author 1976-1992 Van Wagenen Coleman King Lea Reichert Benner Normann Newby Marchant Ma
Min first author 1993-1999 Winterton Stewart Wang
OPQ First Author 1979-1995 Oh Park Pierce Pope Quinn Jhon Gregonis
R First Author 1973-1995 Ramirez Reichert Rockhold Russell Oh Park Pierce Pope Quinn Gregonis Ives Suci Jhon
S First Author 1978-2005 Scheer Schupp Shafer Smith Stroup Stuart Sung Swalen Hupfer Ringsdorf van wagenen Gregonis Jhon Hlady Doyle
T First Author 1983-1995 Tingey Triolo Tripp Zdrahala chittur Magda
Van Wagenen First Author 1971-1983 Walker Lentz Stegall Coleman Zdasiuk Denti Dunn Rockhold King Triolo Brostrom Smith Gregonis Hibbs
W First Author 1976-1997 Wang Wei Winters Winterton Wisniewski Stewart Hlady Zhang Brynda Christensen Stroup Herron Gregonis Feijen Kim Ives Lin Tatra Plot
Y-Z First Author 1970-2007 Yang Yen Yoshida Zhang Zwart Janatova Kopecek Ives Reichert Christensen Kralios Kolff Kwan-Gett Bachman Foote
Flexhibits, Community Events, and Facilitated Involvement
ASTC-Assoc. Science Tech Centers annual conference talk on flexible, portable, mobile exhibit design and development.
Erma’s Story
Erma Andrade died in Feb. 2016, just short of her 95th birthday. This is her ‘Story’ as of her 89th year. She wrote it, my son, Aaron, and I edited it, and Aaron did the design, layout, and printing.
History The Leonardo Utah Science Center (USC) Leonardo on Wheels (LOW) from beginnings (1986) to about 2010
Abstracts Posters Andrade first author 1969-2010
Abstracts Posters S-Z first authors
Abstracts Posters K-R first authors
Abstracts Posters F-I first authors
Abstracts Posters A-E First Authors
Leo on Wheels LOW student notebook workbook
LOW 5 Year Timeline history TheLeonardo poster 1995 to 2009
WUHS 50th year reunion 1959 to 2009 yearbook
Project proposal – Fueling Sustainable Futures
“Fueling Sustainable Futures (FSF): Pathways to Foster Awareness, Understanding and Action” project proposal to the US Department of Energy
USP Patent 7473244 2009 Frazier Bartholomeusz Brazzle Active Needle DEVICES, corrections
Al-Sheikh 2009 LabMed MacroPatterns
“Visualizing Multi-Analytical Clinical Chemistry Data via Simple Patterns”
USC Parachute Poster Cogbox brain change mind fundraising utah science center
Al-Sheikh 2008 DiabetiChip 5-08
“Review of Designing an Information Processing Ware for a Diabetic Chip”
Al-Sheikh 2008 Multi-Channel Data Simple Patterns AMIA
“Visualizing Multi-Analytical Clinical Diagnostic Data via Simple Patterns”
Choice and Chance: Engaging the Public
Society for Risk Analysis talk on risk, chance, decision exhibits, activities for science centers.
Voyaging Among Stars – autobiography of Von Del Chamberlain
Utah Science Center brochure TheLeonardo open your mind-compressed Cogbox
Travel research education talks media seminars UUtah The Leonardo Hlady Golander Caldwell Hu Kopecek Huefner Coles
Al-Sheikh 2004 Diabetes exhibits Hardman
“Public Adventures in Diabetes: Personal Activity in a Modern Science Center”
Utah Science Center Vision Planning
Science ‘Teaching’– A 20 Year Perspective…
Talk at Univ. of Uppsala, Sweden on science education for the general public.
College of Engineering History from 1850 to 2000 by Dietrich K. Gehmlich, 2003
Whitaker Fdn BME Special Opportunity UU to Community via USC 8-2002 andrade PI unfunded
8-2002 Fresenius DialysisChip RenalChip Urea Creatinine Phosphate ATP UU unfunded?
Two small student support proposals on ChemChips related to dialysis patient care.
BioE 1102 Intro Bioeng II summary Spring 2002
4-2002 NIH ChemChip Multi-Analyte MicroDevices NIH R21, R33 Bartholomeusz UU proposal funded, progress reports
This grant was written largely by Dan Bartholomeusz and was finally funded as an NIH R21, followed by R33. This was the final major grant of my career.
WADA World anti-doping Testosterone analysis sensor andrade PI Kern 7-2002 unfunded
Coccimiglio Leonardo contests activities exhibits 2002
Leonardo Activities Coccimiglio 9-2002
Parachute contest da Vinci Coccimiglio TheLeonardo LOW
USP Patent 6501549 B1 2002 Andrade Wang Hlady Triolo Scheer Spatial Luminescence Sensing
BioE 1102 Intro Bioeng II Projects Exhibits Help Spring, 2002 TAs
12-2001 NIH SBIR Phase II PSI CCD Rev rebuttal Van Wagenen
Explore! a primary science newsletter CISE 1993-2001
Explore! was a semi-regular newsletter distributed to teachers throughout Utah by the U of Utah’s then Center for Integrated Science Education (CISE).
BioE 5020 Interactive Science Projects on demand Syllabus
Travel research education talks seminars media UUtah The Leonardo Kopecek Jhon Lee Sung Kubanek 1977-2001
UU TAC science without walls online funded
BioE 1102 Intro Bioengineering II, Spring, 2001 Syllabus
The Biologization of Engineering — and of Engineering Education
Seminar at Winona, MN on Biological Engineering Education.
2000 Biomaterials History Textbooks Curriculum Education Whitaker Summit 11-2000
Science without Walls: Science in YOUR World
A 40 chapter, 40 half-hour videos general, integrated science course.
Also find the Science Without Walls Videos on YouTube.
Further Reading Available “Science without Walls: Science in YOUR World”8-2000 Biosensors ChemChips Biochem Disease PKU UU NIH Res. Partner Kern Clark unfunded
3-2000 NIH SBIR Phase I Final Report PSI Creatinine Biosensor van Wagenen 3-2000
Graduate Council Review and Response 1999-2000
1-2000 UU Res. Found. Tech. Innov. Hemodialysis Chip UU unfunded
BioE 1102 Intro Bioeng II Spring, 2000 Syllabus
Cyclosporin Sensor PSI NIH Phase I proposal unfunded
Faculty Retreat, Vision-Plan 1999-2000
8-1999 NIH SBIR Phase II PSI Phenylalanine sensor PKU VanWagenen incomplete
8-1999 NIH SBIR draft PSI Lactate Pyruvate Jessica Smith unsubmitted?
8-1999 Min DJ PhD qualifying exam NSF proposal- Multi-Enzyme Nano-complexes. Not submitted
USHE Efficacy Science without walls Andrade PI CV unfunded
5-1998 to 1999 Whitaker CRHCT Year 2 Progress Report UU Sensors Metabolic Disorders Devey Katona
2-1999 Juvenile Diabetes Fdn PSI VanWagenen glucose bioluminescence sensor unfunded
1999 NSF EEC nearly full proposal unfunded Simplicity Complexity Bioengineering Education
USP Patent 5869349 1999 Lin Chang Antibody Immobilization
Andrade book reviews 1976-1999
1-1991 State Centers Excellence Program Center Integrated Science Educ UU CISE unfunded?
1-1999 DARPA Pre-proposal Biochemical Networks Kern Herron UU unfunded
Leonardo Project overview summary Utah Science Center Gateway Center TheLeonardo LOW 1994-1998
NSF Undergrad Educ science within you kern andrade PIs unfunded
Proposal for “Science Within You: An Interdisciplinary Video Course for Non-Science Majors”
Science without walls – science in your world UU telecourse textbook
Textbook for Science without Walls – Science in YOUR World telecourse.
Also find the Science Without Walls Videos on YouTube.
8-1998 Phenyalanine BioSensor PSI NIH Phase I Wang
BioEng 1010 2010 proposed telecourse Measurement and Medicine Abnormality Kern 1998?
Correctional Education via Science without Walls videos, text July 1998
Using Science without Walls videos in a prison, jail environment; presentation Correctional Education Assoc meeting 7-12-1998
7-1998 NSF ERC BioEng Educ Complexity Simplicity UU Horch Kern
NSF Bioengineering Educational Technology Engineering Research Center competition.
Commentary The Scientist Andrade Science without Walls SWOW 1998
4-1998 Calcium Sensor PSI NIH Phase I Van Wagenen unfunded
4-1998 NIH SBIR Phase 1 PSI Creatinine sensor Wang VanWagenen funded
3-1998 NSF STTR Report UUtah-PSI Van Wagenen ATP Biosensors
Media Public Relations Lyman Pungor CISE TheLeonardo UEA 1988 1998
1997 GALT Sensor PSI NIH Phase I Wang Galactosemia
12-1997 Homocysteine Sensor PSI NIH Phase I Wang unfunded
12-1997 NIH SBIR PSI Glycosylated Hemoglobin Van Wagenen PI 12-1997 unfunded
Biochemical individuality analytic diagnostics normality
Science without Walls HETI USHE Final Report (partial) 9-1997 Peay letter
UURF Seed Grant Engineering Muscle Energy 7-1997 bio-based andrade tresco PIs unfunded Papautsky
NSF science within you Andrade Kern PIS unfunded
4-1997 CCD Analyzer PSI NIH Phase I Van Wagenen
NTIA 3-1997 Measurement Medicine abnormal KULC KUEN videocourse CISE andrade PI Kern unfunded
NSF Informal Science from USCA Leonardo on Wheels LOW 1-1997 Millar Andrade PIs unfunded
1997 ? Galactose Phase II PSI NIH SBIR final unfunded
International Patent 1997 WO 97/20947 spatial luminescence sensor ATP Andrade Wang Hlady Triolo Scheer
12-1996 Galactosemia Screen PSI NIH Phase I Wang unfunded
12-1996 NIH SBIR PSI Microbes ATP Stress Van Wagenen unfunded
12-1996 Personal Sensors UU NSF CRHCT Huefner Kern
CRHCT is Cost-Reducing Health Care Technologies – a joint initiative of the National Science Foundation and the Whitaker Foundation.
1996-98 NSF STTR Phase II UUtah-PSI ATP Sensors
Miake, Taizo Correspondence 1993-1996
Taizo Miake was an outside consultant (from Sudbury, Ontario, Canada) who was the key consultant for the original planning process for The Leonardo, headed by Ray Kingston of FFKR Architects, Salt Lake City.
Chair Bioengineering Spotlight Newsletter 1988-90, 1996
Spotlight was the Dept of Bioengineering Newsletter from 1988-90; plus two memos
Materials News SJSU alumni profile Spring 1996
Bad Hair, Entropy, Roadside Physics
Deseret News feature story by Elaine Jarvik on Science without Walls 9-1996
8-1996 USDA SBIR PSI Monosacharide Sensors Beverage Van Wagenen unfunded
4-1996 NIH SBIR PSI Carbohydrate Analysis Biosensors Wang unfunded
Review Request SWOW scripts Dear Colleagues
2-1996 DOE Energy SBIR PSI Chemistry Explorations Scheer unfunded
2-1996 Utah Centers Excellence Fibers as Sensors feasibility proposal UU contract funded
UU Teaching grant Bio-Based engineering 1-1996 andrade pi funded?
UU Research Equipment ARUP Trace Element Analysis ICP-MS Hsiung Ash donation letter
1995 PSI Corporate file products catalog Report Ideas Hastings Madrid
PSI is Protein Solutions, Inc, a U of Utah spin-off company. PSI no longer exists.
CISE Courses, Inservice, Lectures 1991-95
CISE conducted many teacher inservice courses and workshops from 1991-95 on Integrated Science Concepts, Hands-On Bioluminescence, and public Lectures.
Contests – Writing Journalism Bioluminescence 1991-95
The Center for Integrated Science Education sponsored a range of contests encouraging science and news writing and bioluminescence in Utah from 1991-95
1995 USHE Curriculum Development Science without Walls Art liberal education funded
9-1995 USDA SBIR PSI Carbohydrate Assay Triolo unfunded
Dancing Dinos PSI product brochure bioluminescent dinoflagellates
Catalog PSI 1994-95 PSI products bioluminescent dinoflagellate
Blue Moon PSI products brochure manual bioluminescent dinoflagellate
6-1995 NSF SBIR PSI Chemistry Explorations Triolo unfunded
6-1995 NSF SBIR PSI Interface Orientation Luciferase Triolo Stewart
6-1992-1995 Utah Eisenhower Elem Teacher Competencies CISE UU funded
USCA Utah science center Projects LOW Leonardo on Wheels andrade PI 4-1995 funded
4-1995 Utah Eisenhower LOW Inservice teachers UU CISE unfunded
NSF Women Girls proposal Andrade PI Caldwell 4-1995 unfunded IMPACT Girl Scouts
Art and Science with Leonard Shlain
Leoinard Shlain’s magnificent Art and Physics helped form the vision and basis for The Leonardo. Segments of his talk were included in Science without Walls TV course.
3-1995 DOD U Res Initiative Biophoton Project Bioluminescence UU unfunded
Research Group Prague letter Mt. Olympus hike Protein Atlas project
Bio-Photon project slides Andrade UU proposal
1995 NSF UU pre-proposal Photons biology Bio-photon unfunded
1-1995 EPA SBIR PSI Airborne Microbes Triolo unfunded
Telecourse science without walls proposal Ut Higher Ed Tech UHET 1-13-1995 Liberal Ed 144 CISE support letters
1994-1996 NSF Phase I STTR UUtah-PSI ATP Sensors
Health Care Book U Utah Press Andrade ed., flyer announcement order form summary reviews quotations
11-1994 NIH SBIR PSI Science by Seduction Scheer unfunded
11-1994 NIH SBIR PSI Tear Analysis Schirmer Triolo unfunded
Future of Health Care – via Medical Biological Engineering AIMBE book 1994
American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) held its second annual conference in the NAS Building, Washington D.C., March, 1993. The proceedings were recorded and edited by Andrade, the Program Chair, and published by U Utah Press in 1994, 244 pp.
10-1994 FIPSE Science by Seduction Interests Projects UU CISE
9-1994 NSF SBIR Phase 2 PSI Labless Lab Scheer unfunded
8-1994 NIH SBIR PSI Microbial Sensors Triolo unfunded
7-1994 NSF UG Educ Leonardo Lab UU CISE unfunded
1994 Heart Light Nicotine Disclosure NIH Phase I Proposal PSI
6-1994 NSF SBIR PSI Labless Lab Chemistry Scheer unfunded
6-1994 NSF SBIR PSI Phytoplankton Sealed Environments Scheer unfunded
6-1994 NSF SBIP Nicotine Sensing PSI Scheer unfunded
4-1994 NIH SBIR PSI Biosensors Scheer unfunded
“Before Powerpoint” transparencies talks
Min 1993 Air Drying Bioluminescent Dinoflagellate Pyrocystis lunula J Phycology submitted reviewers
2-1994 DOE Energy SBIR PSI Luminescent Films Photoproteins Scheer unfunded
1-1994 Dreyfus Foundation Elem-Net UU CISE funded report
1-1994 NSF Sound Music Interest-Based UU CISE pre-proposal unfunded
UU Teaching grants andrade PI science art projects USC 11-1993 funded?
Science Journalism Award Contest announcement competition CISE 1993-94
Science Fairs Elementary Guide CISE brochure
NightLife PSI product brochure bioluminescent dinoflagellate glossary maintenance NightLab Nutrients Lunula Colony bibliography
Galaxsea PSI product brochure bioluminescent dinoflagellate
6-1993 NSF SBIR PSI Labless Lab Feng unfunded
5-1993 Whitaker Special Opportunity Award Projects USC UU unfunded
5-1993 Elements Non-Invasive UU NSF Huefner Ash unfunded
Project proposal to analyze hair, urine, saliva, tears for 40 elements using ICP-mass spectrometry and other tools.
Biopolymers at Interfaces CBI Newsletter Spring 1993 Caldwell
The Center for Biopolymers at Interfaces, one of Utah’s State Centers of Excellence, published quarterly newsletters. This one is from Spring, 1993; Karin Caldwell, Director.
CISE Intro brochure UU
CISE = Center for Integrated Science Education
1-1993 NSF ISE Night-Walk Bioluminescence TCMU Marsh CISE UU pre-, full unfunded
TCMU is The Children’s Museum of Utah, the partner institution.
Science by Seduction – Communicating with the (Initially) Disinterested book very rough draft
Night Walk Science activities exhibits via Bioluminescence PR
Night Walk was a science activity and exhibit proposal with the Childrens’ Museum of Utah, Protein Solutions Inc., and CISE. It was not funded, but sparked other activities and interests. About 1992.
1992 UU Teaching Committee Labless Lab Polymer Materials 10-1992 andrade funded?
10-1992 NSF Phase 2 SBIR PSI Bioluminescent materials Science Educ Winters unfunded
10-1992 FIPSE Science without Walls Elem Teachers UU CISE unfunded
9-1992 SW Center Env. Res. Enhancing Env. Educ. Elem Teachers UU CISE
NSF MRG 8-1992 andrade PI PEO Protein Resistance caldwell hlady magda herron Rapaport kim kopecek not funded
8-1992 USDA SBIR PSI Aquaculture Phytoplankton unfunded
USP Patent application Phytoplankton Sealed Culture Andrade Tobler 7-5-1992 to 10-20-1993 disclosure application abandonment
6-1992 NSF SBIR PSI Lunula Colony Science Educ Winters unfunded
3-1992 EPA Environmental Awareness Utah UU unfunded
2-1992 HHMI Science Museums TCMU Night-Light Science in Dark Morris UU CISE unfunded
USP Patent 5135876 1992 Andrade Herron Antibody Regulation
1991 NSF Science in Dark Integrated Bioluminescence UU Stoddart Gess-Newsome unfunded
1991 Utah SBIP Small Business PSI Bio-Lite Living Night Light unfunded
Strategic Plans Dept. Bioengineering 1989-94, 1991 unfunded
SJSU alumni bio 8-1991 Munir history
My 1991 Bio requested by SJSU Dean of Engineering. Note reference to the wonderful Zuhair Munir, who opened my eyes and interests to Materials Science and Engineering.
Pharmacy 509 Materials Science Syllabus winter 1991
For the course Materials Science in Pharmacy, taught in the Dept. of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy.
10-1991 FIPSE Concept-Based Science Elem Teachers UU CISE
8-1991 NASA Bioluminescent closed eco-systems PSI unfunded
1991 NSF Night Life Bioluminescence Integrated UU CISE pre- and full unfunded
6-1991 NSF SBIR PSI Night Colony Winters unfunded
3-1991 Utah SBIP Small Business PSI Night-Colony Winters Lunula Colony Paint manual unfunded
NSF Teacher Enhancement 2-1991 andrade PI teacher research activities interactions
Science Education Industry report to State of Utah Foote McDonald 1991?
A report to State of Utah on opportunity for development of a science education industry. Mary McDonald, CISE
1991 ? NSF SBIR Phase 1 Night Farm Worms Winters
USP Patent 5075400 1991 Andrade Kopecek Lee Supersurfactants
11-1990 NSF Czech Inst Macromolecular Chem Prague UU workshop final report Lyman
BioE 695 Communications 500 Critical Science Communications Syllabus Summary Spring 1990
Critical Science Communications – Separating Fact from Fantasy – was a special one time course, stimulated by the U Utah’s Cold Fusion spectacle. It also relates to science in society and critical thinking.
1989 Dramatic Science Writing UU NSF SSTS Award Jon Franklin OSU unfunded-compressed.pdf
9-1989 Science-Based Ethics, Values NSF UU STS pre-proposal unfunded
STS is NSF’s Science-Technology-Society program. This unfunded project targeted Journalism, Advertising, and Law majors.
Protein Machines Devices with Hlady Syllabus BioE 753 Spring 1989 course
BioE MSE 751 Principles Surface Science Fall 1988 Syllabus
President of University Application 1987-89
Andrade briefly fantasied becoming a University President and applied for several national positions.
Dean Activities 1983-87 and Resignation 1987
Andrade served as Dean of Engineering, U Utah, from Summer 1983 thru Fall, 1987. He resigned in Spring 1987, feeling that a new face and voice would better assist the College in its new goals and objectives.
Engineering Update U Utah College newsletter 1984-87
U Utah College of Engineering began a newsletter for alumni, faculty, students, sponsors in 1984.
Kolff 75th Festschrift talk Future of Us All 1987
Willem Kolff’s Plenary Lecture at his 1987 75th Birthday Festschrift: The Future of Artificial Organs and of Us All
Letter to David Gardner UC Davis Chancellor position 2-23-1987 no response
USP Patent 4648714 1987 Benner Van Wagenen Westenskow Raman Gas Intracavity
Agenda Project University President Quotations, Other Leaders
Collected quotations from University Presidents and related leaders.
BioE MSE 752 Polymer Surface Analysis spring 1987 syllabus
1982 1986 Polymer Monolayers Proteins TIRF Germany UU NSF Ringsdorf Reichert funded final report
Industrial Affiliates brochure College of Engineering U Utah 1984-5
The UU College of Engineering established its first Industrial Affiliates program starting in 1984-85.
Engineering Research Directory 1984-86 U of Utah
The U Utah College of Engineering, with Andrade as its new Dean, published its first Faculty Research Directory in 1984.
BioE MSE 751 Physical Nature of Surfaces Fall 1984 syllabus
David P Gardner Chair A Nation At Risk Report, 1983
Seeking Dean of College of Engineering appointment 1983
Andrade actively sought appointment as Dean of Engineering in 1983. He was appointed Dean Spring, 1983 by VP Cedric Davern and then President David Gardner.
USP Patent 4368047 1983 Andrade Van Wagenen UV TIRF
Utah CLEAR News testimony energy Kanab Southwest 1970-1982
BioE MSE 752 Physical Nature of Surfaces Winter 1982 Syllabus
3-1982 Protein Model Surfaces Germany UU NATO Ringsdorf funded?
NATO US-Germany collaborative proposal with Helmut Ringsdorf, Univ. of Mainz, led to student exchanges, joint publications.
Polymer Surfaces Pharmacy Workshop Notes 1981?
Date, Location of Workshop, Course ??
Andrade 1973-1979 First Author Vroman Lyman Lee Jhon Hibbs Kim Coleman Lentz Peterson King Gregonis Iwamoto McNeill Ma
1979 draft UU energy consortium hydrocarbons plants guayule euphorbia andrade unfunded
Surface Analysis Lab U of Utah ESCA brochure 1978?
Brochure for Surface Analysis Laboratory
Application – SJSU Dean of the School of Engineering
Applying to the Engineering School Deanship at San José State University
Materials Science in Pharmacy – course, text, notes
Materials Science in Pharmacy was a full year course developed and taught in the late 70s-early 80s via the U of Utah College of Pharmacy, Dept. of Pharmaceutics.
A 10 chapter draft text was used as well as selected readings.
Andrade 1974 report to kolff clinical trial Charcoal activated carbon hemoperfusion blood experiment report andrade to klinkmann endotoxin 7-15-1974
Kolff Inst. for Biomedical Engineering Div. of Artificial Organs
WJ Kolff founded the Inst Biomedical Engineering and its Div of Artificial Organs in about 1967. He regularly published a report, directory of projects and people. Andrade joined the UU in Jan. 1969, in large part to work with WJ Kolff.
Andrade 1968-1972 First Author Plunkett Bonomo Van Wagenen Gough Kolff Hill Kopp Chen Kirkham Volder
Technology and Society deNevers 1972
Prof Noel deNevers asked me to teach his Tech and Society course in the early 70s, which initiated my education in Technology, Science and Society. Thanks, Noel.
Histology Principles
Principles of Histology; course notes for Biomaterials
Orthopedic Biomaterials course notes
Notes for the orthopedic materials and devices portion of the Intro to Biomaterials course taught in the 70s and early 80s
Vroman Lee Randy Langmuir baier MSE 792 Techniques Methods Solid Surfaces Biological Systems
Coagulation-Resistant Surfaces and a Mechanistic Model of Adsorption on Polymer Surfaces – A Dissertation Presented to The Faculty of the College of Engineering, University of Denver
Andrade’s PhD dissertation, U of Denver, 1969
Dissertation Defense documents 1969 Vroman Predecki
Leo Vroman’s remarkable little book Blood, 1967, inspired much of my career. We were fortunate to have him as a consultant on the NHLBI contract at the U Denver. He suggested immobilized albumin as a likely coagulation-resistant surface.
Metallography Lab U Denver Olsen Krenzer 1968?
A lab I TA’ed with Dennis Olsen.
UnivUtah position Quest 1968 Kolff Sosin Williams Lyman recommend
Jobs Employment Resume Crimmins History Addresses to 1968
Coagulation-Resistant Coatings by Enzyme Inhibition Contract Report Predecki 1967
My first grant was written and funded as a graduate student at the U of Denver. This Contractor’s Report was authored with my PhD Supervisor, Dr. Paul Predecki.
Tower List 1965 excerpts
The second (1965) completely revised Tower List written , edited, published by the SJSU Honor Society, Tau Delta Phi, built on the pioneering initial 1964 version
Tower List press critiques 1965 Tau Delta Phi SJSU
The Tower List was one of the first individual faculty evaluations by students. It generated substantial criticism and accolades.
Oppenheimer Snow Andrade Bogosian Humanities San Jose State May 1965
Bogosian’s Philosophy of Personal Values class was a real eye- and brain-opener for me in Spring, 1965.
SJSC Spring 1965 Bogosian Joe essays Snow Oppenheimer Reality U Denver Pigeon Droppings
SJSC Writings 1964-65 letters US Steel coop Engineer report Essays Career Book ideas Personal philosophy
Grades Transcript Dismissal Drop Out! UC Berkeley SJSC U Denver 1959-1968
Form letter on Tower List sent in response to information inquiries, probably early 1965
Publication of the Tower List generated public and college-university interest nation-wide. This mimeographed form letter aided in the response to those inquiries.
Tower List 1964 SJSU
Tower List 1964 complete; SJSU Tau Delta Phi
Tower List debate SJSU Faculty Magazine The Tower Fall, 1964
The Tower SJSU Faculty Magazine debate on the Tower List Fall, 1964
Mat Sci 145 Lab SJSU Spring 1964 Olsen Beckley Hovey Prof Larsen-Badse
This lab course and group was incredibly valuable. Dennis Olsen became a life-long good friend. Neil Beckley was an interesting roommate, together with Tom Hogan and Igor Skaredoff.
Munir Zuhair Mat Sci 25 Fall 1962 Lecture Lab SJSU
These are the Notes from my first Materials Science course, taught by Zuhar Munir. It opened me up to a whole new dimension. I immediately changed majors from EE to Mat. Sci. Thanks, Zuhar.
WUHS graduation diploma certificate 6-14-1959 high school
High School Writing Magazine The Inkling 1958 1959 WUHS
Gamma Irradiation Magnets Chemistry Armstrong Science Fair report excerpts letters 1959 Frazer Physics
High school science fair project – Frazer’s Physics class, Armstrong’s Advanced Chem class, 1995
Student Body President Analysis Leadership Class 1959
Student Body President in Senior Year – ‘Experience’, ‘Advice’ Paper
Hamlet Shakespeare Madness Sanity 1959
Chemistry science fair project magnetism radiation Co60 domains 5-1959 oscilloscope kymograph
1959 High School Science Fair Project
WUHS Washington Union High School Graduation program 1959
Renaissance of American People WWII FDR US History 1958
US History paper – a Democrat from the beginning!
pioneers of aviation first few pp
Sophomore English paper – always had a fascination with flight and airplanes.
Journalism photography newspaper 1957 selected parts
High School Journalism paper. I almost majored later in Journalism-English. Photography was my major hobby.
philately stamp collecting 1956
I was an avid stamp collector in the pre-college years.
Ken Brown Victor Harlow The Cynic self-published about 1954 WUHS?
Ken Brown was a high school soulmate, together with Igor Skaredoff, with interests in writing and philosophy.
Unfortunately we did not stay in touch after high school. Igor and I continue to be in touch.
Ken and his friend self-published this little book. I include it here to be sure it is included somewhere!